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Who we are…….

We are Real Estate Investors in the Hampton Roads community and DON’T work off of commission.

Our current portfolio has 1 rental in Yorktown Va and are looking for more rentals.  If you have a house that you need to sell for any reason, please give us a call, text or email. We are always looking for properties and if you are in need of selling your property, please give us a call, email or reply here on our page.  We buy with cash and can close in as little as 10 days.

Our focus is 2 fold:
1. To find tenants a good, solid home.
2. To get sellers out of potentially bad situations that range from divorce to homes crumbling around you to landlords cashing out.

If you are selling, all we need from you is the address of your home and a few other pieces of information, go to our

Sellers Page

and fill out our questionnaire. Our written offer will come back to you in 24 hours If the numbers work, we will be more than happy to move forward with purchasing your house. As always, there is room for negotiation but remember, we are Real Estate Investors and our goal is to make a profit as well.
send us an email to:
Lightner Enterprises, LLC email

If you are looking for a house to rent, go to our Rentals Page and look to see what is currently available.

If you have a house to sell, we are in the market to buy.

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